Oct 29 – 30, 2024
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Europe/Berlin timezone

Further information


Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB)

Conference venue: GAFO 03/974 


Zoom for hybrid participation:



How to reach the venue:

We strongly recommend using public transport: U35 toward Bochum Hustadt (TQ) from the main station. The Astronomical Institute is situated in building GAFO at the southern end of the campus. To reach the main venue from the tram station, enter the campus via the large bridge, and pass the main library. On the right side, follow the signs towards the G-buildings and look for the HGA. Enter that building, follow the stairs down and turn left. Go through the glass door and take the second (the only automatic) door on the right side. The meeting room is the last room on that corridor before you'd exit the building again.

If you come by car, please use the address  "Universitätsstraße 150 44801 Bochum"

Lunch: Building TG 4 (Mensa) - walking distance from the conference venue

We plan to have dinner together: 29.10, 19:00 at Farina