Physics Colloquium

Flavorful Scalars — New Directions from Theory

by Prof. Dr. Gudrun Hiller

H6 (UHG)



The Higgs boson is the only  fundamental scalar particle observed. Its coupling to quarks and leptons introduces flavor to particle physics: three generations with largely different masses and mixings whose patterns has no clear-cut explanation and remains a longstanding puzzle.
New ideas from formal  quantum field theory suggest further scalar particles with flavor, which have a variety of benefits: they can connect  to the known fermions, leave imprints in low energy observables and improve features of the standard model, notably vacuum stability, that hinges on the value of the top mass and the strong coupling. We discuss status,  how this works and  possibilities for further study in the future at  the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and beyond.
Organized by

Gernot Akemann