This international Summer School is building on four previous ZiF Summer Schools, bringing together international PhD students and young postdocs from various areas in mathematics, mathematical and theoretical physics. The participants will take part in 2 intense weeks of 8 interdisciplinary lecture series. They will be presented by 8 distinguished scientists. The school will include exercise sessions led by the lecturers and offers the opportunity for all participants to present their own work in short contributions. The topics covered will include the eigenstate thermalisation hypothesis, two-dimensional Coulomb gases, multiplicative chaos, log-correlated fields, neural networks and deep learning amongst others. Examples for the advanced mathematical and theoretical physics inspired methods are coming from free probability, spin glasses, integrable systems, stochastic analysis and statistics. The four previous events at ZiF in 2013, 2016, 2019 and 2022 were rather successful.
This year’s edition will be the starting point of the four-month programme “The Lush World of Random Matrices” at the Centre for interdisciplinary Research ZiF, organised by Jean-Philippe Bouchaud and Valentina Ros.
Laszlo Erdös (Klosterneuburg, AUT)
In addition to accommodation and subsistence for all participants, we can offer a fixed number of stipends providing travel support. We particularly welcome applications by female participants.
Applications to participate and for travel support are welcome and should be directed to using the registration form, including a short CV and a letter of recommendation. There will be a participation fee of 50 Euro.
Deadline for application is 18th of May 2025.
For informal enquiries including the scientific part, please contact one of this summer school`s organisers Gernot Akemann and Friedrich Götze.
The event is supported by ZiF - Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung, Universität Bielefeld, Methoden 1, D-33615 Bielefeld, Germany, and by grant SFB 1283/2 2021 – 317210226.