Jun 1 – 2, 2023
ZiF | Bielefeld University
Europe/Berlin timezone

June 1 - 2, 2023 at ZiF | Bielefeld University

Image credit: Wendy Freedman, arXiv:2106.15656 (2021) 

We kindly invite you to participate in the 17th Kosmologietag!  

The workshop consists of mainly contributed talks, complemented by two invited overview talks and dinner on Thursday night. 

You are welcome to submit a title for a contributed talk about any aspect of cosmology, astroparticle physics and gravity including theory, observation and experiment. 

Invited Talks: 

Fabian Schmidt (MPA, Garching) New Approaches to Cosmology Inference from Galaxy Clustering

Jessica Turner (Durham) Leptogenesis: An Overview from the Low to the High

General registration is 50 EUR including coffee and dinner.

Submission of talks by May 17, 2023

Registration by May 29, 2023 

Supported by 


ZiF | Bielefeld University
Methoden 1 33615 Bielefeld
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